
Reading "Man in the Music?" Send us a photo!

Update: December 2012

The video is finished.

"Author and scholar Joe Vogel captures the Man in the Music-- none other than Michael Jackson. Not the tabloid caricature, the Hollywood gossip version nor the media's frenzied guesses about who Jackson was, the book lets you know the man through his music and those who knew him personally and helped him make it. Director Spike Lee interviewed Joe for his BAD 25 documentary scheduled for release in February of 2013."

Thanks to all those who participated around the world.
You rock.

Now spread the word!
Walking Moon Studios is currently producing a video for Joe Vogel's new book: Man in the Music. More photos are needed. We especially like photos from around the world that demonstrate your location but we welcome photos of you at home or a local place reading MIM.

Send a photo of you and friends reading the book, gifting the book to your local library or wrapping it as a gift. Did you give it to someone for Christmas? How about that photo?

Send them to When you send them just write a little permission statement like: "I release my photo to be used publicly by Walking Moon Studios." Or: "I give permission for my photo to be used by WMS."

We can't finish it until we have more photos- so get the camera, quick!

Management, Walking Moon Studios

1 comment:

mjfangirl said...

very cool!